Friday, September 7, 2012


I apologize for not updating 
as often as I would like.
I am in the middle
of some very, very 

I have some school projects that are being worked on.
It may take up most of my time, however,
I Will Post AT LEAST Once A Week.  
I will post about a range of items.
From movies to music, from my life to reviewing stuff.
I do not know who would actually read it, but hey...
It seems like a wonderful place to rant.

This is all
That I have for now
My birthday is this Sunday,
Which is about 36 hours from now...
I might post a little something before I go to bed.
I love you all, ^_^ Because that's just who I am...

Hey you, 
Yeah you. 
The one reading this. 
Wanna know a secret? 
You're beautiful. 
Don't ever give up.

-Momma Wolf

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