Thursday, May 7, 2015

My Favorite (Paying) Apps

I just got a new phone and then came the hard part, what should I fill my space with?

Before I get into this, I am not being paid by any of these to suggest the apps to you. I just really like them and wish more people knew about it. 

Ehyup. Staring with Slidejoy which is my favorite at the moment. Lemme see if I can add some pictures here...

If you don't mind having some ads on your phone every time you get ready to unlock it, this won't be that big of a deal. It will show a random ad that is in it's system upon unlock, and before the lock screen if you have one set up. That's all it does; but why have ads o your phone might you ask?
TO EARN SOME MONEY, yup. Every evening it will update your balance and depending on how often you check your phone, you could earn around average 10-20 cents a day.

Now that doesn't seem like much, but it adds up and it's FREE MONEY! How dare you say no to free money, right? I have just started my fourth month, and around mid month I can withdraw my first month's earnings. I earned almost 3 and a half dollars on the first months, which again seems like nothing but it's MONEY that you didn't have before. I am so excited that I don't want to cash out yet.

When you are ready to cash out you can choice between several different options. Square Cash is one option which is another pretty cool app, (It lets you transfer money between whoever else has one, ie. You and two friends go to dinner and instead of splitting the bill, transfer your amount straight to the other. It takes only moments to reach the other persons account, and on your first transfer you earn $5 immediately, plus the person that suggested it to you also gets $5!)

The next options are PayPal, another simple way to earn cash, Google Play, where you can trade it in for some cool new apps, OR if you feel generous there are some option to donate the money. The Jericho Project which supports homeless veterans that have devoted their lived to serve and protect this country.

If you decide to join SlideJoy, use my invite code getslidejoy/r/miranda9995.44036

My other favorite App is Receipt Hog, which has become amazing to me.

Do you have those darn receipts that are just piling up your pockets? Don't you wish you could do something with those, or that they could be used for something better?

Just take a quick picture of your receipt, as long as it was within the last 14 days, (which was just updated from 7 days). Make sure you keep the important items in the picture, like where it was bought at, the date and the total purchase price. And as long as it falls within their qualifications, such as NOT being a gas station or a fast food/restaurant, you will be given coins or a spin, which may also earn you points.

And after a recent update, by logging a receipt every week, you will level up and earn even more spins, which used to be hard to come upon. Once you reach the minimum amount of points, you may redeem them towards your PayPal or Amazon. 1000 points would give you $5, but saving a bit and reaching 1800 points would be $10, 3200 would be $20 and 4500 would be $30.

I haven't remembered this app, which is pretty bad because I work as a cashier, and I am a shopaholic and but too many things...too many times a day. So I have pockets full of receipts. Good thing, they allow up to 3 receipts per place a day. I cannot wait until I can cash out at the maximum amount.

If you want to join Receipt Hog, use my reference code: don57696 and receive 5 free spins.

-Momma Wolf

I'm Back

Here I am years later, and what has changed? I am still with my Papa Wolf, making so many things with my love of crochet, and...I have begun work at a retail store with lots of blue. Truthfully I love the people I work with, it's the customers that are, well lacking in common sense. I can't say much in case something gets out that I'm bagging on it, even though I'm pretty sure no one will know it's me. Still...It's been a year there and it's pretty decent.
I'll be back soon with a couple of crochet patterns I found and made with pictures. 
-Momma Wolf

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

And we're back

Since we last left off, lots has occurred. I, Momma Wolf, have graduated, met someone and begun life in the real world....yay?
-Momma Wolf

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Yes, it is me, Momma Wolf. 
I have returned. 
Amazing, I know.

I have been busy with finals...
And finding love...
And learning how to crochet.

I think I might have found my Papa Wolf. 

And I am in the middle of crocheting a cape...
Every time I think of the word CAPE
I think of Edna from The Incredibles saying NO CAPES

-Momma Wolf

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Yay sister wolf has computer back!
Any hoo. I dint know whats new really, 
just thought id check in. 
how is my happy campers? im bored as usual.
And sister Wolf needs to help me out.
so. please comment on your day.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Sims 2 and 3

The Sims:

I have been in love with this "strategic life-simulation video game" for as long as I can remember.
My sister-in-law had lent me her Sims 2 back around 2006, 
since then, I have been addicted.

Now, what about it is so 'addicting'?
I love the fact that you can control a life how ever you like.
You control their:
love interests
what the do
what they become in life
how the die
how they live
who the reproduce with
how many children...
It's kinda like living your own life through someone else, except this isn't looked down upon like that.

You choose if you wish to play as a pr-designed family or create your own.
You can build your family for up to eight people, at one time. 
"Sims can throw parties to gain aspiration points or invite the headmaster over for dinner in order to enroll their children in private school." (Wikipedia)

There are many more things that you can do with the accompanying games, such as The Sims 2: Nightlife, ...etc. These additions add to even more fun to the game play. 

Just under a year ago, I purchased The Sims 3 on sale, about half off it's original price. 
It's not exactly the same as the previous, 
and it has all new characters.
However, I love it nonetheless.
There are even more ways you can change your life. There are more careers, greater graphics, and much, much more. 

I do not have any expansions, or additions, to The Sims 3 as of yet, but I plan to order some soon...maybe when they decrease in price.

All in all...I give The Sims 2 a 6 out of 10
and The Sims 3 an 7.5 out of 10.
This is rating towards what could be done...

Compared to many other games:
The Sims 2: 7 out of 10
The Sims 3: 9 out of 10

-Momma Wolf

Well, I just received my laptop back and now...
I have my laptop back!
Yeah, that is pretty much it. 

So, I found out that the hard drive was messed up,
we brought it to Staples, where we bought it,
We called MANY people, HP, the protection plan...
AND FINALLY, they had us sent it to them (HP)
They fixed it
It is back
I am happy.

With the hard drive replaced, I needed to upload EVERYTHING once again.
This means my virus protection, Microsoft Office, iTunes, The Sims...
I am now finally finished doing that.
However, uploading the Sims would probably be the longest time I had to sit and wait...
Now it is done, and I can play...

My poor Sims family...must be rebuilt. 
As I sit and play with the Sims, I think
And thinking gives me ideas. 
Ideas turn into plot bunnies 
To which change into stories.

As you can see, I enjoy the writing/
I think I must leave before I type up a seventy-nine page report of my life.
I shall be back in a week to talk about...
Well, I'll just leave that a mystery. 

Hey you,
Yeah, you
The one reading this
Wanna know a secret?
You're beautiful.
Don't ever give up!

-Momma Wolf