Saturday, September 29, 2012

Well, I just received my laptop back and now...
I have my laptop back!
Yeah, that is pretty much it. 

So, I found out that the hard drive was messed up,
we brought it to Staples, where we bought it,
We called MANY people, HP, the protection plan...
AND FINALLY, they had us sent it to them (HP)
They fixed it
It is back
I am happy.

With the hard drive replaced, I needed to upload EVERYTHING once again.
This means my virus protection, Microsoft Office, iTunes, The Sims...
I am now finally finished doing that.
However, uploading the Sims would probably be the longest time I had to sit and wait...
Now it is done, and I can play...

My poor Sims family...must be rebuilt. 
As I sit and play with the Sims, I think
And thinking gives me ideas. 
Ideas turn into plot bunnies 
To which change into stories.

As you can see, I enjoy the writing/
I think I must leave before I type up a seventy-nine page report of my life.
I shall be back in a week to talk about...
Well, I'll just leave that a mystery. 

Hey you,
Yeah, you
The one reading this
Wanna know a secret?
You're beautiful.
Don't ever give up!

-Momma Wolf

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